Month: March 2024

  • What is Salah (salat)? Salah (salat) is the Arabic term for the ritual prayer that is obligatory for Muslims to perform five times a day. It forms one of the five pillars of Islam. The five prayers are: Aside from the five obligatory prayers, Muslims may offer Sunnah and Nafl Salah. The Sunnah Salah (prayers) are ones…

  • What time is Eid prayer? Eid Salah (prayer) takes place in the early morning (after Fajr) on the  first day of Eid. Muslims are encouraged to pray in Jama’ah (congregation) with their local Muslim community on occasions such as these. Please check with your local mosque for the prayer schedule in your local area. How…

  • What is the Shahada? The Shahada (shahadah) is the Arabic term for the declaration of faith in one God (Allah) and His messenger. What does the Shahada mean? Transliteration: “Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu-Allah.” Translation:  “I bear witness that there is no God but God (Allah – i.e. there is none worthy of…