How to Convert to Islam? The one that converts to Islam embraces the
folds of this faith because they chose to voluntarily submit and surrender to the Will
of God, in exchange for the ultimate acquisition of peace and contentment in this life and
in the hereafter. The one that is converting accepts the Islamic
belief that, in order to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, one must submit
to the Ultimate Creator, the One True God, and live according to His Divinely revealed
Laws. The one that converts comes to the understanding
that no one is worthy of his worship and veneration except the One True Creator, the Creator of
this World and everything in it. He realizes that the only true purpose of
his life to find God, build a relationship with Him, and follow His commandments.

The one that is converting comes to the realization
that God the Almighty would not leave him or her in the darkness without showing them
and guiding them regarding the manner in which He wants them to live. To this end, He (God) chose Messengers and
Prophets throughout history to send to different nations at different times to communicate
His Message to humanity, to demonstrate how one should live, and to teach mankind about
Himself. In addition, these prophets came with glad
tidings, stating that whoever Worships the One God without any partners and lives a righteous
life while obeying God’s commands will enter Paradise eternally; and whoever worships anyone
other than Allah and does not follow God’s commandments will enter the hellfire eternally.

Islam is not a new religion, but rather embodies
the eternal act of submitting to the will of God. It is, indeed, the only acceptable religion
in the sight of God. Islam is the true natural religion and offers
the same message revealed through the ages to all of God’s Prophets and Messengers. The one that is converting realizes that Islam
will change his or her life for the better and that Islam will provide the light to guide
them in their life as well as grant them true salvation from the eternal hellfire. The one that searches for his purpose in life,
as well as for his Creator, and is sincere and curious to learn the truth, that person
will eventually be guided to the Truth by the Will of God, and by His Mercy, Love, and
Justice. God guides those whom He wills and those whom
He pleases. My dear brother or sister, if you have the
desire to be a Muslim and have a strong conviction and belief that Islam is the true religion
of God, then you are ready to embrace the folds of Islam.

In Islam, every action begins with one’s
intention, so one starts by setting the intention in their heart to embrace Islam for the sake
of God alone. It’s highly recommended that you first take
a bath or shower to symbolically purify and cleanse yourself of your past life and your
past sins. It’s also recommended that you wear good
clothes on the day of conversion. Unlike other religions, the act of converting
to Islam does not involve any rituals, ceremonials, nor baptisms. All one has to do is declare the testimony
of faith, which is known as the Shahada in Arabic, or the declaration of faith in English,
which is the first of five pillars of Islam. These two statements encapsulate all of the
beliefs of Islam: أشهدأن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد
أن محمدا عبده ورسوله ‘I bear witness that there is no deity worthy
of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and messenger’ One can simply state this phrase in privacy
by himself, or can do so in public with witnesses, especially those who could help them pronounce
the wording in Arabic accurately. The testimony of faith is recommended and
often done publicly, in a Mosque or gathering.

One testifies, acknowledges, and expresses
that he/she is fully convinced, with no doubt, that there is no deity worthy of worship and
veneration other than Allah. Allah is the unique name of God. One acknowledges that there is Only One God
who is the Sustainer, the Creator, who is in control of all matters and all things,
who has no partners, no children, nor associates. He is the Most-High, Most-Merciful, All-Knowing,
All-Wise, All-Seeing, All-Hearing, He is the First, He is the Last. One also testifies and acknowledges that Muhammad
peace and blessings be upon him is the last and final messenger of God, who was sent to
relay the same general message as the prophets before him.

He is the best example and role model for
humanity, a slave and worshipper of Allah and should not be wrongly worshipped like
past Prophets–who were only human messengers of God, and not God himself. After one completes his testimony of faith,
that individual is now officially Muslim. As a new convert, one does not need to be
burdened by his or her past sins committed before their acceptance, as all of their past
sins would be absolved, and they would start with a clean slate–as free of sin as a newborn
child. Not only that, but all of their past sins
would be converted to good deeds. One should attempt to the best of his ability
to keep his slate clean as much as possible and do as many good deeds as he or she can. The new convert should make a lot of supplications
to God, asking him to continue to guide him/her to the straight path and lead him/her to Paradise
and everything else they desire—in this world and beyond.

After the conversion process comes the time
to start gradually learning more about Islam and practicing it by performing the five mandatory
ritualized prayers that Muslims perform daily. A new convert should not try to learn all
aspects of the faith at once, as they may end up feeling overwhelmed. Instead, one should continue to learn and
grow his faith over an extended time period. It’s highly recommended that the convert finds
a local Mosque or local Islamic community and attend their gatherings, seek Muslim support,
and make new friends. One should also start to give charity and
fast in the month of Ramadan, both of which are mandatory upon every Muslim. For people still unsure as to whether or not
they should convert to Islam, they can pray to God without specifically naming him; just
pray out and say, ‘Oh you who created me, please guide me to the truth!’ Also, continue to research and look further
at the overwhelming evidence and proofs that Islam offers to affirm its existence and validity. Do not procrastinate, and do not take this
matter of faith lightly, as you are not guaranteed tomorrow! Your test– your life, can end at any moment.

Realize, my dear brother or sister, that you
did come to this video by random or chance. You were guided here by your Creator. May your journey to the answer, and to the truth, be pleasant and successful..

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