Brotherhood and Sisterhood in Madinah: An Amazing Caring Community  

Brotherhood and Sisterhood in Madinah: An Amazing Caring Community  

CHAPTER 18 Brotherhood and Sisterhood in Madinah: An Amazing Caring Community Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) spent his first months in Madinah as a guest at the house of Abu Ayyub. When he and his new community completed building their masjid, he moved out to live in a small room. The structure of the…

Prophet Muhammad’s 3 Top Priorities in Madinah  

Prophet Muhammad’s 3 Top Priorities in Madinah  

CHAPTER 17 Prophet Muhammad’s 3 Top Priorities in Madinah In September of the year 622 CE, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) entered Madinah. He was welcomed with great joy. People had been anticipating his arrival for several days, waiting impatiently to see him, many for the first time. The Ansar (Muslims of Madinah) offered to host…

Prophet Muhammad Joins Muslim Refugees in Madinah

Prophet Muhammad Joins Muslim Refugees in Madinah

CHAPTER 16 Prophet Muhammad Joins Muslim Refugees in Madinah Was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the first refugee prophet in history? Or were there earlier prophets God sent humanity who also went through this major hardship? The answer to this question is that he (peace be upon him) was, in fact, not the first….

Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr Finally Make Their Way to Madinah

Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr Finally Make Their Way to Madinah

CHAPTER 15 Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr Finally Make Their Way to Madinah Would you return their act of aggression with a good deed? This is what exactly happened to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) 13 years after the start of the revelation. Do you know how he reacted when his aggressors tried to…

Prophet Muhammad Completes the Hijrah Plan to Madinah

Prophet Muhammad Completes the Hijrah Plan to Madinah

CHAPTER 14 Prophet Muhammad Completes the Hijrah Plan to Madinah By the thirteenth year of the Prophethood, nearly all the inhabitants of Yathrib (Madinah) knew about Islam. Mus’ab, the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) first envoy to Madinah, had done an excellent job inviting people to Islam, as mentioned in the last article. Almost every house…

Prophet Muhammad Prepares to Move to Madinah

Prophet Muhammad Prepares to Move to Madinah

CHAPTER 13 Prophet Muhammad Prepares to Move to Madinah One short-term solution was for him to meet pilgrims coming to Makkah from different parts of the Arabian Peninsula. So, in the 10th year of the revelation, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) met pilgrims from several tribes. He arranged for these meetings to be held…

Prophet Muhammad Returns Back to Makkah from Heaven

Prophet Muhammad Returns Back to Makkah from Heaven

CHAPTER 12 Prophet Muhammad Returns Back to Makkah from Heaven On his way back to Makkah, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) saw many details from the unseen realm that God mentions in the Quran. Among them, he saw Paradise (Jannah) and Hell. He saw people punished in Hell for sins they had committed in this…

Prophet Muhammad’s Miraculous Night Journey: A Divine Gift

Prophet Muhammad’s Miraculous Night Journey: A Divine Gift

CHAPTER 11 Prophet Muhammad’s Miraculous Night Journey: A Divine Gift Have you ever been through a difficult time in life when you were surrounded with many hardships? At that time, did you feel like all doors were closed and the whole world was against you? That is how Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) must…

Prophet Muhammad Goes to Ta’if: Most Difficult Day of His Life

Prophet Muhammad Goes to Ta’if: Most Difficult Day of His Life

CHAPTER 10 Prophet Muhammad Goes to Ta’if: Most Difficult Day of His Life Would you walk fifty miles to convey the message of Islam to people in another city? This is what Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did in the tenth year of the revelation. It is known as the Year of Grief. His…

In this, the Prophet Muhammad’s “Year of Grief,” he loses both his wife and his uncle.

CHAPTER 9 The Prophet’s Uncle on His Deathbed Not even the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was able to convert his beloved uncle Abu Talib to Islam. The three-year ban specified in Chapter 8 ended, and Muslims flocked back to their houses in Makkah. As a result of the ordeal’s gruelling nature, several people,…