The city of Makkah has banned Muslims from entering and imposed a harsh embargo.

CHAPTER 8 Can you imagine how you’d feel if your country imposed a complete economic blockade on your country for three years? Indeed, this is what occurred to the early Muslims in Makkah between the seventh and tenth years of the Prophet’s mission. The Quraish imposed a complete economic and social blockade on them. They…

New Hope: The Uncle and Umar of the Prophet Muhammad Convert to Islam

CHAPTER 7 When Muslims witness a new convert to Islam in mosques or at conferences, they frequently exhibit a jubilant disposition. But why do we rejoice? In addition to the convert’s genuine sense of happiness, there is an important community dimension. As Islam is perpetually under attack, new converts strengthen the faith of their Muslim…

Companions of the Prophet Muhammad Emigrate from Makkah to Christian Lands

CHAPTER 6 What does one do when they are no longer able to live in an environment where they are persecuted for being Muslim? If persecution reaches extreme levels and there is a real threat to the believers’ lives and families, it is a Qur’anic teaching and a Prophetic tradition for them to leave the…

Attack on the Prophet Muhammad in Makkah

CHAPTER 5 What should you do as a new revert to Islam if you find yourself in a hostile environment where you are targeted and abused for being visibly Muslim (such as wearing a hijab or having a beard)?In this circumstance, your sense of injustice is likely to be intense. This emotion is perfectly normal….

New Believers Face Difficulties: Makkah Rejects Prophet Muhammad

Chapter 4 “We love to help you, accept your counsel, and trust in your words,” one of his uncles, Abu Talib, answered to his request. These are your kinspeople, and I am one of them, but I am the quickest to accomplish what you want. Carry out the instructions. I will safeguard and defend you,…

Bounties from the conquest of Makkah

Bounties from the conquest of Makkah

The conquest of Makkah is the day of the greatest conquest. It is the day when Muslims entered Makkah from all four corners on the 20th of Ramadan, in the eighth year after the Prophets migration (Hijrah). They entered Makkah hailing victory, their tongues praising and thanking their Lord, Who granted them the victory and…

The Best Teacher in the World and New Believers: Islam Goes Public

The Best Teacher in the World and New Believers: Islam Goes Public

Chapter 3 Some of the early converts to Islam who embraced the religion immediately after the start of the revelation. They were all people close to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), whom he trusted. For the first three years, the Prophet (peace be upon him) only invited people he believed would adopt Islam. He…

Waraqa, the Angel Gabriel, and the First Muslims

Waraqa, the Angel Gabriel, and the First Muslims

Chapter 2 The first contact between Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Angel Gabriel in the cave near Makkah left him disturbed.He was worried about what had transpired and worried about his own safety.As described in ChapterĀ 1, Lady Khadijah did her utmost to calm him down. To soothe him further, she accompanied him to…

The Prophet Muhammad, Lady Khadijah, and the Beginning of the Quranic Revelation

The Prophet Muhammad, Lady Khadijah, and the Beginning of the Quranic Revelation

Chapter 1 It begins in Makkah with his loving first wife, Lady Khadijah, and concludes 23 years later in Madinah at the home of his dearest wife, Lady Aishah. Prophet Muhammad: An Unrivaled Husband Prophet Muhammad: An Unrivaled Husband When our Prophet (peace be upon him) first saw Angel Gabriel in a cave in Makkah…