Tag: Muslim

  • The last sermon of Umar ibn Abd Al-Aziz Umar ibn Abd Al-Aziz, may Allah be pleased with him, ruled for two years, and he was considered through them to be a reformer of the second hijri century. He was considered so because of all the changes he brought about, not only in the actual status…

  • Patience…a source of empowerment We all realise that patience is a necessity of life in addition to being a moral virtue. Moreover, it is an asset which helps humans to withstand hardships and excel in achieving their aspirations. Those who observe patience, espousing God’s pleasure, are commended in the Qur’an: “And those who are patient,…

  • Ramadan is the month of competing in good deeds “Allah looks at your competing for His sake, and He boasts about you to His angels.So show Allah goodness from yourselves.” Obada bin Samet, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Ramadan has come to…

  • We are on a rendezvous with a sanctuary of tranquillity, serenity and beauty, and through it we embrace the fragrance emanating from the best of stories and Surah Yusuf, peace be upon him. In the beginning of the chapter, a verse made me pause: “Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an that…

  • The conquest of Makkah is the day of the greatest conquest. It is the day when Muslims entered Makkah from all four corners on the 20th of Ramadan, in the eighth year after the Prophets migration (Hijrah). They entered Makkah hailing victory, their tongues praising and thanking their Lord, Who granted them the victory and…

  • Ramadan reveals the true features of the Muslim Ummah, which Allah described as “You are the best nation produced for mankind.” Among these features is that we are a divine (Rabbani)nation, which carries out all its affairs according to the prescriptions of Allah in what is permissible and what is not. Ramadan is a perfect exemplification…

  • Chapter 3 Some of the early converts to Islam who embraced the religion immediately after the start of the revelation. They were all people close to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), whom he trusted. For the first three years, the Prophet (peace be upon him) only invited people he believed would adopt Islam. He…

  • Chapter 2 The first contact between Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Angel Gabriel in the cave near Makkah left him disturbed.He was worried about what had transpired and worried about his own safety.As described in Chapter 1, Lady Khadijah did her utmost to calm him down. To soothe him further, she accompanied him to…

  • Chapter 1 It begins in Makkah with his loving first wife, Lady Khadijah, and concludes 23 years later in Madinah at the home of his dearest wife, Lady Aishah. Prophet Muhammad: An Unrivaled Husband Prophet Muhammad: An Unrivaled Husband When our Prophet (peace be upon him) first saw Angel Gabriel in a cave in Makkah…

  • The Truth About Islam: What You Should Know If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately, you know that it’s not a great time to be a Muslim in the Western world. As far as the general public is concerned, Islam is associated with terrorism and extremism, so when your mosque receives hate mail…