Tag: muslimquran

  • The rise of social media has fundamentally reshaped how young Muslims in North America connect with their faith. This article explores the phenomenon of “Digital Dawah,” the act of inviting others to Islam through online platforms, and its multifaceted impact on their religious lives. A New Frontier for Dawah Traditionally, Dawah involved face-to-face interactions. Today,…

  • When someone cannot fast in Ramadan (due to ill health, travelling or menstruation for example) they should make up the missed fasts when they are able to do so. However, if they will not be able to make up missed fasts (due to old age or chronic illness that is unlikely to improve) they should…

  • What is Zakat? Zakat (zakaat, zakah), or almsgiving, is one of the five pillars of Islam. This means that Zakat is mandatory for Muslims, along with the other four sacred pillars of Islam. For every sane, adult Muslim who owns wealth over a certain amount – known as the Nisab – he or she must…

  • What is Salah (salat)? Salah (salat) is the Arabic term for the ritual prayer that is obligatory for Muslims to perform five times a day. It forms one of the five pillars of Islam. The five prayers are: Aside from the five obligatory prayers, Muslims may offer Sunnah and Nafl Salah. The Sunnah Salah (prayers) are ones…

  • The Dua for Guidance and Wisdom (Istikhara): In the vast journey of life, where decisions shape destinies, there exists a prayer that serves as a compass, guiding believers through the complexities of choice – the “Dua for Guidance and Wisdom” or “Dua for Istikhara.” In Arabic, it is a heartfelt plea: “اللهم اهدني وسددني,” and…

  • CHAPTER 18 Brotherhood and Sisterhood in Madinah: An Amazing Caring Community Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) spent his first months in Madinah as a guest at the house of Abu Ayyub. When he and his new community completed building their masjid, he moved out to live in a small room. The structure of the…

  • CHAPTER 17 Prophet Muhammad’s 3 Top Priorities in Madinah In September of the year 622 CE, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) entered Madinah. He was welcomed with great joy. People had been anticipating his arrival for several days, waiting impatiently to see him, many for the first time. The Ansar (Muslims of Madinah) offered to host…

  • CHAPTER 16 Prophet Muhammad Joins Muslim Refugees in Madinah Was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the first refugee prophet in history? Or were there earlier prophets God sent humanity who also went through this major hardship? The answer to this question is that he (peace be upon him) was, in fact, not the first.…

  • CHAPTER 15 Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr Finally Make Their Way to Madinah Would you return their act of aggression with a good deed? This is what exactly happened to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) 13 years after the start of the revelation. Do you know how he reacted when his aggressors tried to…

  • CHAPTER 14 Prophet Muhammad Completes the Hijrah Plan to Madinah By the thirteenth year of the Prophethood, nearly all the inhabitants of Yathrib (Madinah) knew about Islam. Mus’ab, the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) first envoy to Madinah, had done an excellent job inviting people to Islam, as mentioned in the last article. Almost every house…